So I have been experiencing anxiety on a different level lately. On most days I can get through the day and not feel too drained. But these past weeks, I have been feeling drained. Just deciding what to write and post send me into overthinking and what ends up happening is nothing, which is why you haven’t heard from me in a while. When I missed my first deadline to post on this blog, I said that I’d just write it the following day and then the following day came and nothing. And it kept going like this for over three weeks. I have learned to not ignore my anxiousness but to just sit in it. It will pass and I will be able to think through things which would help me to handle it better the next time it appears. Because it will happen, probably just not as frequently.
I have also realised that the people that you surround yourself with give off energies and I seem to pick up on their energies. When their energies are positivr and happy it’s amazing, because they leave you feeling in a good mood. Then there are those people that have the most negative energies. OMG.... the funny thing is that I try to stay far from these people but they seem to always want to be around me or try be my friend. I never knew why I would remain quiet around them and make absolutely no effort to communicate. But these past few weeks it became clear that their energies affect me.
I loving learning new things about myself. Before I might have been mean or straight forward with these negative energies but I never knew why. And by might, I really mean about 99.95%. It’s like I was fighting them off in my own way without even knowing. Lately I’ve been trying to ignore, which means no effort exercised on my party. For the most part it is working but some people just need to experience my mouth sometimes.
Happy week to you. It’s a two day work week for me. Yay!!!
See you soon!
This Pretty Nerd.